Hinged Safety Grille - Hinged & Locking Code: GRAHL
R&B’s Galvanised steel safety grille assembly is designed to be fitted to any of our comprehensive range of ductile iron covers and frames. The Hinged grating can be security locked or manufactured with a padlock point for extra protection.
The Grille prevents access into the chamber in the event of a trip or fall whilst the cover is removed. The Grilles can also be used to suspend signage to signify location of important equipment or display information to the relevant operators, i.e “Hydrobrake upstream” or “Caution Hydrobrake”

- Available to complement our Full range of Ductile Iron Access covers and frames.
- S257 Mild Steel
- Depth of D.I Frame 5mm
- 5mm Thick Material
- Galvanising Certified to BS EN ISO 1461
- Pre-fitted to Casting
Bespoke Options
- Padlock Point (Hasp & Staple)
- Security Locking
- Standard Locking
- Suspended or Fixed Signage
- Stainless Steel